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The Chip Board Archive 21

vbg You'll get only ONE and like it!! vbg

Messages In This Thread

New old Vegas chips for my collection vbg
Bedo, those are pretty sweet!
Thanks, Mark...just one chip, though grin
NICE! vbg
vbg Yours is on its way vbg
Re: New old Vegas chips for my collection vbg
vbg You ARE the shark!! vbg
Re: New old Vegas chips for my collection vbg
vbg You'll get only ONE and like it!! vbg
Re: New old Vegas chips for my collection vbg
grin You're on the list, Allan!! Thanks. grin
Re: New old Vegas chips for my collection vbg
Thanks, Don...I'll put one in the mail for you. grin
vbg vbg NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! vbg vbg
One coming yer'll see THAT chip of yours
LOL... Awesome! :-)
You've got one coming, Todd grin
Awesome personals as always. Those are sweet!
grin Thanks, is on its way to you. grin
I have to say, Stevie...
grin It's ALL the brilliant work of Ms. Meister grin
Re: grin It's ALL the brilliant work of Ms. Meister
We'll miss you - or more correctly, your $$$ vbg
You really know how to make a great chip
grin Debra Meister gets ALL the credit...
Re: I don't know...
I Like It
Thanks, is on its way 2U
Thanks, I Trust You Have My New Address
Very Cool Steve, wish i has a trader for you
You still owe me an election chip!! mad
OMFG! are you kidding me? I am so sorry sad
No hurry, Rick...just like to have one if you
You got it Bro! On the way Monday grin
Bedo, see this post
Kewl a Spragg Check List
Re: Kewl a Spragg Check List octagonal with your logo!!
Ok, done
Re: New old Vegas chips for my collection vbg
CORRECT...coined by Mr. Hughes!! vbg
Yes, thanks.
Re: New old Vegas chips for my collection vbg
See Email Please
WoW ... that is a great looking personal .. Cheers
One is coming your way, Derek. grin
Re: New old Vegas chips for my collection vbg
grin One coming your way, Terry grin
You Da Bedoest !!
vbg No one Bedos better!! vbg
good Lord.....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg