I asked that question at the "Chip Guide" conference last convention. Many people are afraid that chips will be uploaded without attribution. As you know most manufacturer's records do not exist or they are permanently gone. Some do exist and the attribution is an easy one. Some attributions are confirmed by association (I found a group of chips 1003 Walnut and with that lot the Ten-O-Three chips diamond mold were there). Wasn't hard to infer that these were from the same place although no records exist. After all the small key 1003 Walnut records do not exist either. A few attributions get applied by interview, some bt name association and area found. Yada yada yada.
There was fear that some of the chips being submitted might be "iffy"
(I learn well)
So we have only Ed's on line catalog and a few other smaller web sites. Most people want to sell their "local" books after putting in all the work.
Yes we do need an Illegal chips guide but I think we have a meeting this 2012 convention and expand on Ed's catalog. Some entries need to be corrected and many new ID;s since it was last updated.
One question-attribution, would each chip have to go through an Illegal committee and be voted on? Easy to do on the internet, but do we want this? When I send my ten-O-Three chip in will people believe me that I found them in a group with 1003 Walnut? I also found SC diamond mold chips with a very large group of SC small keys that were Slycree 5 Points Georgia. I am 99% sure they are from the same place. Others thought so too. One person said that doesn't mean a thing?
As you see many questions. Just make the convention and go to the meeting/conference on illegals I want to have. Come with thought through ideas. Hope to see a large turn out.
I think we will have to just take it upon our own to do a project.
Also anyone please email any topics you would like to see discussed at this meeting as I am new to this-just 2 years as a member and collector.