...Clinton was mesmerizing. He spoke for close to two hours with no notes at all. About science, technology, politics, and economics. He was utterly riveting. I can guarantee you that there is no politician in the forefront from either party who is a tenth as knowledgeable or charismatic as Bill Clinton. In a crowd that was, I'm guessing, at least 1/3 Republicans, he had everyone on their feet for a long standing O at the end.
For my class' reunion dinner we had my favorite political science professor from whom I took 4 or 5 classes over my college years (he was also my faculty advisor) speak and he was fantastic. He'd recently retired after teaching there for 50 years (he looks about 60). Some of my friends who had never taken a political science course were totally blown away by him (this guy predicted for us in 1974 that Jimmy Carter was going to be the next president!... at the time he was unknown on the national scale). He had us working local campaigns for several years. Plus, he remembered me after 35 years, which was pretty cool.
It's always great seeing so many old friends every 5 years too... I really need to make it back to one of my high school reunions one of these years.