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The Chip Board Archive 21

Silver Saddle question

I have a $5 I got off ebay, after prices went down a bit. My question, I have read up about this place on the internet, is the fact the place is so rough the reason the chips are hard to get? Not many people wanting to even go in there? After what I read online, you need a .44 mag and a tetanus shot to walk in the front door!! vbg

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wanted Silver Saddle LV, Celebrity Eclipse
Re: wanted Silver Saddle LV, Celebrity Eclipse
Re: wanted Silver Saddle LV, Celebrity Eclipse
Silver Saddle question
You could be right. All I know is I have seen
Re: You could be right. All I know is I have seen
Just won one on ebay $8.51 shipped
Why the hype

Copyright 2022 David Spragg