Happy story. I bought a set of poker chips recently for under $100 probably. It came with an old wood carousel and old soiled bridge-sized decks of playing cards, something that is usually worthless. I put the decks of cards on eBay for $2.99 and hoped for one bid.
I ended up with an even $100!
Illinois Terminal RR System railroad playing cards, complete in box, custom ace -- got 15 bids and about 10 "watchers."
I used to collect playing card decks. While I knew that advertising decks were good, these didn't look like much -- the narrow bridge-sized cards, missing joker, soiled and bent cards. And many rail road decks are quite common. But it turns out that the Illinois Terminal RR System is quite famous (do a Google search). There are web sites, clubs, etc. devoted to it. ... ...... Not relevant here, but it always interested me that on some playing card decks, the tax stamp on the box could be worth more than the cards!
the chip not for sale: