... I'm compelled to respond. Just my opinion...
You wrote: Each night Phyllis posts a joke which I absolutely love. What if one person
to be offended by one of her jokes? Would all joke telling be then banned?
That's happened in the past and my response was usually that the NCR in my posts states
that it's not chip related. In the past, many of my posts have touched on politics and/or
current events and if I receive anything funny/interesting enough, I'll probably post them.
Unless the content is racially or ethnically offensive, to suggest that a subject be skipped because
a few people may disagree is borderline, if notoutright, censorship. Each of us are free to skip
those posts that we find disagreeable.
David now has control over what should and should not be posted on this Chip Board and if he
wanted to limit the material content, I believe we would certainly be made aware.
End of post...