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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: four boxes of 1940s California chips

Wow! Thanks for all the responses. I've had some offers all over the board and a wide range of suggestions as to how much they are worth as well as the best places to sell them. For those of you asking "how much?" I was basically getting on this site for someone to tell me. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm any closer to an answer as I got suggestions all over the board (everything from 50 cents each chip to $40 apiece). I think I'm going to have to hang on to them for now and do some more research on my own. Thanks!

Messages In This Thread

four boxes of 1940s California chips
Re: four boxes of 1940s California chips
Whoever buys these, I'd like one of each !!
Re: Whoever buys these, one of each !! Me Too!
I'd love a set also
Put me down for a $1 & $5 whoever buys them
Put me on the list also. vbg
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Here are the scans
Re: Here are the scans
How much for all?
See my email, thanks.
Re: I go for a $1 & $5 maybe a $25
Re: four boxes of 1940s California chips
Contact Armin Pfaender
put me on the list one each thank you

Copyright 2022 David Spragg