We've got 50 fairly common chips from the 80's through the 2000's ending later this evening. Each was started at or below face value and many remain there as I write this.
There's this Excalibur Chipco puzzle set of eight $5 chips released to commemorate the Tournament of Kings dinner show. Right now this one is going to sell for well below even its face value:
Then there's this Palms chip that was used at the Playboy Mansion. I remember how it took me about a week to find this one... emails, phone calls and I finally found one and paid about $20 for it. Right now it's going to go for a little over three bucks:
You can find our weekly auctions by typing http://www.StartsAtFace.com into your browser or just click the link below the tough-to-get, up-for-auction-right-now Mandalay Bay Year of the Snake chip below.
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Thanks for looking.
Cheques in the Mail, Inc.