G2E is about a lot of Gaming related things, from buttons and lights on slot machines, to table felt printing and beyond. While ShuffleMaster devotes a great deal of space to showing newer table games and the shuffling machines to support those games, there are other "new game" devlopers there, vying for the attention of casino management in hopes of having their new table game put on a casino floor.
At one booth I saw these chips being used to demonstrate two different new table games, that are played on a blackjack styled table. To demonstrate the games each table was provided with stacks of these two chips, as the betting structure required a second denomination that was double the smaller denomination. Of course this could mean just using 2 of the base denomination, but it was more colorfull to have two different denominations.
I found both games to be interesting, however, they were rather complicated. Basically, you play to beat the dealer's hand and after that, there is an additional bet to beat any and all of the other players. While anything is possible, I tend to doubt that either game will ever become a Let it Ride or Three Card Poker level of game.
In addition to the $5 and $10, there was also a purple $500 that was NOT being allowed to be handed out.
These are full graphic ceramics, with rolling-edge printing.
I like them!