during our recent problems. Things are getting back to a somewhat normal routine and it will be a question of time for us to put all this terrible situation behind us.
Having sold off my one and five dollar collections, I am left with a hodge-podge of chips that could not be considered a collection: five or six plaques, some 25s from LV, a couple of duplicate fives, two four queens sets of snappers, and some Agua Caliente roulettes. I am going to take a few months off to decide what to do for the future, so I am going to try and sell these chips over the weekend and what doesn't sell can go to a collectibles show here in Mexico City in mid October.
I am sure I will continue chipping in the future but it will be a more leisurely collection of active $1s from Las Vegas/Nevada, in accordance with my opportunities to travel there.
On another note, I have just delivered a long overdue article on gambling in Cuba which if it's good enough will be published at the end of this year or sometime next year.
Anyway, I am going to start scanning and will post this evening. If anybody is interested one of my daughter's coworkers from Miami is visiting next week and I will be able to offer free shipping from Miami when he returns on October 3rd.
I am going to scan these and post them over the weekend