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The Chip Board Archive 21
It's a bet-I am taking the Rams
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Anyone up for a bet on Monday Night Football?
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Anyone up for a bet on Monday Night Football?
I will take the Rams
It's a bet-I am taking the Rams
You have a bet!!
It's A Bet,I'm Taking The Rams
You have a bet!!
It's a bet-I am taking the Rams
Chip is the bet correct??
Yes 1 $1.00 chip. You have a bet!!
To Clarify Bet is 1 $1.00 chip
Does everyone who bet understand?
Yep-It's a bet-I am taking the Rams
Yes,It's A Bet,I'm Still Taking The Rams
It's a bet!
You have a bet!!
I have 4 bets Window is now closed
Giants won 28-16 Email sent to all players. Thanks
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