We are all in this together!
When the European "wind of change" blows and spread out - which was started by Greece debt crisis, Germany bought "toxic" bonds to rescue the Greek, then Ireland, Portugal is next in line and latest one is Italy with high debts, who is next? Germany is not in a position right now to bailout the other entries into the debt crisis for its economy is getting weak because of the bonds from Greece.
How can rescue these countries - they are all competing for easy loan lenders and some of them are turning to the East for help. The East has not committed anything yet to come to the rescue of Italy.
Shop in the Arab world with plenty of cash? Some in desperation turned to Third World developing countries for some financial help? Consider the CIS group of countries - the former Soviet states (CIS Countries of Independent States)- who themselves are in need of help?
Now and then you read and hear the news - Dow is down so much and so much because of the debt crisis in Europe! US is also "top heavy on debt" and is trying to download the debt burden.
How about Japan with so much cash? No Japan needs them for their own reconstruction after the Tsunami and the earthquake.
Where? Your guess is as good as mine.
How about the IMF - International Monetary Fund by the UN? Yeah. What are they doing?