Amen Al, I live in the middle of it all in Wisconsin. What the union thugs have tried to do here with all their millions and intimidation just short of criminal acts is implausible.
We are in a critical stage historically as economics always drives world crises.
Witnessing the demise of the European Socialist Democracy should be sobering for all Americans.
Greece is already getting written off as we shall see soon and a possible shocker to come might be Italy as they are almost to the point of no return. All these countries ran out of everyone else money and nothing left to spend so riots are now the standard. Greece,Italy,Spain,Portugal will be four sobering events, they are all coming unraveled. Also don't forget Iceland and Ireland and some of the other countries are just waking up. Will it be too late? I am watching England and France very closely as they try to pull themselves out of the Socialist ways and get back to capitalism, is it too late, we shall see. My opinion yes but they sure are based on facts. Since I am unemployed for 3 years I watch CNBC all day long and hear all the international happenings in the economy. It is in sorry shape indeed.