Thanks for the heads up. We are currently backlogged. Ever since the convention and the article in the Club's magazine about the ChipGuide, we have been getting lots of submissions. There are currently over 900 submissions waiting to be processed. We are also working on putting up some special collections like Janice O'Neal's casino reports and the Canadian ChipGuide. So it is taking a while to get everything done.
Submitters can help by:
o Submitting clear images at least 200 DPI
o If you know how to: align the chip, circle crop it and size it to 240x240 pixels. It is OK if you can't, but it saves us time if you can. If you would like software to do this simply, send me an email.
o If there is a catalog# for the chip, like The Chip Rack (TCR) number, put that in the comments
o If you know the date of issue, put it in the comments
o If you are submitting a variety of a chip already on the ChipGuide, note the difference (ie. bold text or LCV) in the comments
We appreciate all the enthusiasm from the collectors submitting items, your help in getting the items on the ChipGuide as quickly as possible, and your understanding that it could take a while to get your items posted. Thanks.