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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: vbg Do we really need to date coins? vbg

Some countries have used undated coins or coins with a "frozen" date (for example, they keep producing coins for 10 years, but they all have "1905" on them). One problem: if they reconfigure their coinage, it's easier to say "everything from 2005 and earlier must be redeemed or it becomes valueless." Without a date, it's harder to communicate that info.

Of course, not putting dates on coins would save trillions of dollars and may be the cure to all these economic crises. vbg

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vbg Do we really need to date coins? vbg
Re: vbg Do we really need to date coins? vbg
Re: vbg Do we really need to date coins? vbg
Re: vbg Do we really need to date coins? vbg
Re: vbg Do we really need to date coins? vbg
Re: vbg Do we really need to date coins? vbg
Now that's the kind of response I was looking for.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg