Hi Bill,
Thanks for your interest in the Collection Library. Unfortunately I'm not taking on any new signups or new sites. I've been running the service for eight years and willing to keep it going for those few folks who already have an account and use it extensively to publish their collections and traders on the internet. I just don't want to make any commitments to any new users who want to use the service.
In regards to your rant about others not keeping their sites updated... You're not the first person to complain to me about those stagnate sites (heck I'm one of those folks too
). A few months ago I deleted a number of sites where I was able to confirm the site operator was no longer a
member. My next project is to evaluate the rest of the existing sites and identify those sites who have not been used for a number of months. I'd like to weed out those out abandoned sites too and just get it down to those few folks who are still using it actively.