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The Chip Board Archive 21

Anyone Collect X mold chips?

I understand the X mold is not as rare as once thought. Got this information from a good source vbg

Was wondering who here collects this mold? Besides from the LVC I would imagine about all the rest of the X mold chips are UFC?

When I get them I will scan them in, I have a couple very interesting ones.

Messages In This Thread

Anyone Collect X mold chips?
The Avenue X molds
Re: The Avenue X molds
Re: The Avenue X molds
Re: The Avenue X molds
Here are the pics
They must be rare...
Re: They must be rare...
Re: They must be rare...
Re: Anyone Collect X mold chips?
Re: thought to be made in Chicago
So where are the records then?
Re: So where are the records then?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg