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The Chip Board Archive 21

(NCR)-- Fascinating: text to speech

This is absolutely incredible - hard to believe. Imagine the potential? It also is a bit creepy...

You Type...She speaks...
Turn up the volume.

She will say anything you type. I'm sure I don't know how they do this!

When you write something in the left space and then click on 'Say it,' she/he says it!

You can also change persons doing the talking and the language they speak..

When you move the cursor around inside the picture, her/his eyes follow the cursor.

Left to right: Suzanne Pleshette (#1), James Garner (#2), Dub Taylor (#6) and Jack Elam (#8). in "Support Your Local Gunfighter" (1971).

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(NCR)-- Fascinating: text to speech
Re: (NCR)-- Fascinating: text to speech

Copyright 2022 David Spragg