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The Chip Board Archive 21

Jim Follis LM-3872-53

Messages In This Thread

Extra! Chipper's Pro Football $1 Contest
I am in.
Marc Shapiro LM 2871-142
I'm In! vbg
I'm in -- Steve Bedo LM-5259-111
Steve Blust LM-4120-79. Thanks.
Re: Extra! Chipper's Pro Football $1 Contest
I'm In
Irwin Gross r-130
Andy Hughes LM-2471-52
Michael S. Levesque R-7023
Mike Downey LM6202-222
Jay Sands LM-4390-60
Jay Wriggins R-6573
Tarl Cooley R-7651
Fred Lamb LM-5294-117 I'm in $1
Bruce Kay R-7942
Paul Biggs R-6744
Fred Bergman LM421-67 I'm in, thanks Andy grin
Eric Swort R-8181
tom leggio r-4002
Mark Rollo LM-5392-221
I'm in! Dan Cooley R-8220
Doug Johnson R-7749 Thanks again!
Steve Chiruck R-7623
I'm in, thanks Andy
Kevin Aydelott LM 5522-98
I am in!
Allen Waterman #R-8283
Hi Andy I'm in
scott snider (r-7208)
Todd Siegel R-7264
Jim Follis LM-3872-53
The contest is CLOSED with Jim's...
Crap...That is what I get for having a job grin
rofl rofl That is so wrong it's funny rofl
Re: The contest is CLOSED with Jim's...
Do I win something if my team is 33
I'm in tony Tricoli R 2084
Matthew Wade R -7084 if theres room
Fred DeKeyser R-6696
Dennis Shoop LM 6060-160
Len Cipkins LM-0578-90

Copyright 2022 David Spragg