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The Chip Board Archive 21


I am a welder in a factory that is 125 degrees, 11 months a year. And to top that off, I don't get to wear shorts, tennis shoes, and I have to wear spark proof sleeves- so no short sleeves, either. I hump collectively thousands of pounds of steel everyday, my back hurts as I type this, and I make $12 an hour. I had a nice spark go in my boot 4 times just yesterday alone. Plus, ALOT of them NEVER get out of a vehicle.

Believe me, they make GREAT money and get a very good pension once they are done working. BTW, currently I have no health insurance, and once my six month temp status is up, I get laid off (again) and off to do it all over again at another sweatshop factory. Meanwhile, his job seems to be very safe. With unemployment as high as it is, they would have miles of people lining up to do that job at half what they make- including me.

Messages In This Thread

Wow --3700 U.S. post offices targeted for closing!
It needs to be done, plus...
That's a good idea; Mon, Wed and Fri delivery.
Sure, More people out of work
It's also too late for a Europa-style Postal Bus ~
Re: It needs to be done, plus...
Don't Mean to Offend
Re: Don't Mean to Offend
grin Archie, we're a democracy. We don't blame the
Re: grin Archie, we're a democracy. We don't blame
Re: grin Archie, we're a democracy. We don't blame
How can they vote if you can't read or write?
Ballots are in several languages; including ~~~
It sure is hard to get folks to get up off their ~
I, too, do not mean to offend anyone, but ~~~
Re: Don't Mean to Offend
Re: Too late feel offended
I don't foresee it happening because of.... sad
Re: Wow --3700 U.S. post offices targeted for clos
grin Good thing there are no clocks ~~~
Re: Wow --3700 U.S. post offices targeted for clos
MOST should have been closed
WOWWWSER me and Chuck agree on something vbg
Don't call me Chuckie again....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg