It is impossible to pick up email addresses from thechipboard.
Unless anyone keys in the security code to view an address (which causes that email address to show locally on the users machine only), all email addresses are stored encrypted.
Yes, your email address is in your 'preferences', causing it to pre-fill the posting screen etc., but the preferences are stored on your own machines only, not on the server.
Almost all the scams come from aol addresses. This means, for example, that someone has hacked into an aol mailbox (having presumably got that mailbox address via facebook), and then steals all the 'contact' data in that mailbox. So you receiving the emails has nothing to do with you having a facebook account or posting on this bb, it just means your email address is in another aol users address book which has been stolen.
My advice is that aol mailboxes are very insecure. Their browser may be good but the mailboxes are not.
During a phone conversation with my server hosts recently regarding their own external spam/virus settings, they told me that 99% of the billions of spam/virus emails sent each day do not even get past an ISP's mailserver, and that about 85% of those messages come from aol addresses.
Almost all reputable ISP's actually screen outgoing mail for spam and viruses. AOL DO NOT.