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The Chip Board Archive 21

Hey Todd "BEEK" Buechler! grin Get those chips...

...packed up & ready to mail out! vbg Thanks to my buddy Russ Fox for the numbers below.

Andy - Las Vegas

There were 2,181 entrants today, 6% below last year’s 2,313. Assuming tomorrow is also down by the same percentage as today, there would be 2,255 entrants on Sunday; that would give a total of 6,270 for the event. That would still be nearly 15% below last year’s 7,319.

Below is the link to the bet we made. grin

Messages In This Thread

Hey Todd "BEEK" Buechler! grin Get those chips...
How many players the first day, Andy??
897, Steve
Quite a swing from Days 1A (897) & 1B (978)
It's OFFICIAL! vbg The "BEEK" loses...
Re: It's OFFICIAL! vbg The "BEEK" loses...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg