I am pleased to announce that John Kallman has again offered to host the 2011 Edition of my sons Memeorial Project.
I have tried to incorporate the information I have received but most likely have missed some.
I have attempted to note the new items, changes and correction from the 2010 edition by color code. Revisions are suppose to be in RED.
I again would like to thank the party[s] resposible the recognition made to my late son in the club program. He would be proud.
I also would desire any input as to thoughts concerning the removal of the FRATERNAL and ASIAN section. These were not part of the original intent but just happened. I currently have a 4,200 page project for non-gaming chips and tokens and believe the two sections mentioned would be a far better fit there.
I more than welcome any and all suggesions on how to improve the Memorial to make it easier to use and useful to the hobby in general. Also any additions, corrections, deletions or whatever.
Wishing all enough,
Dick Staeffler R-3828
[Bring back the spell checker - please]