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The Chip Board Archive 21
Nope, Same Opinion. It is up to each and
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Have you considered revising your opinion?
every one of us to use their own moral compass.
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My Paypal Opinion - This is going to be unpopular
Re: My Paypal Opinion - This is going to be unpopu
Re: My Paypal Opinion - This is going to be unpopu
Nope - PayPal Gift still free
Fees only if a CC is used
1Interesting view, and after
Re: My Paypal Opinion - This is going to be unpopu
If It Is Illegal, they should REMOVE it as option!
Its not a question about it being legal or illegal
Re: Its not a question about it being legal or ill
Re: Its not a question about it being legal or ill
Great Answer!!!
Zeb, its on there for an intended purpose
Its "against the rules" not illegal
Re: Its "against the rules" not illegal
Doug, this is my opinion...
Jim, I dont think that the BOD needs an official
Thanks, Doug. Seemed a bit ridiculous for the
Not "ridiculous" at all since Doug brought up club
Did I say for him not to post it?
Still no fees if PERSONAL transaction
Re: Still no fees if PERSONAL transaction
Just use "Personal Payment Due"
Re: Just use "Personal Payment Due"
Re: My Paypal Opinion - This is going to be unpopu
Re: Derek
Re: My Paypal Opinion - This is going to be unpopu
Use a Check
I agree; let's keep it legal. Especially on TCB...
I agree. Wasn't as unpopular as you thought!
A Good Post
Excellent Post, Doug and I Agree
Kinda' related subject ...
For a minute I thought you were going to mention ~
Re: For a minute I thought you were going to menti
I'm Checking The code of Ethics Now
Re: Bribery.....
Re: Bribery.....
Re: My Paypal Opinion - This is going to be unpopu
Allan, by sending a Paypal payment
Re: Allan, by sending a Paypal payment
Deductibility rules per IRS
Re: Deductibility rules per IRS
Allan, I do understand what your saying and see
Re: My Paypal Opinion - This is going to be unpopu
Unpopular, apparently not, BUT...
Sunday, Good to gear from you.
Don't Use Paypal...
Sellers: just add .30 + 3% to your total
Re: Sellers: just add .30 + 3% to your total
I dont understand what the fuss is about
Re: My Paypal Opinion - This is going to be unpopu
Speaking of taxes ....
Re: Speaking of taxes ....
Re: Speaking of taxes ....
Re: My Paypal Opinion - This is going to be unpopu
AH, but they do pay interest
Interesting Don ... TY!
Re: I Get Interest On my Paypal Balance
Today for many flofs the ends justify the means,
Have you considered revising your opinion?
Nope, Same Opinion. It is up to each and
Re: Nope, Same Opinion. It is up to each and
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