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The Chip Board Archive 21

Was I supposed to give the Doctor a set??

If so, I'd apologize...but I don't really care!! rofl I will provide a set to Dr. Shapiro at said poker game next Tuesday night, Todd...I'd hate for him to leave Richard's home with no money AND no lovely parting gifts. vbg


Messages In This Thread

Extra! RARE Personal Chip For Today #042 vbg
GREAT chip, and an even better story!!! :-D
Todd who made your chips? Very nice indeed.
Re: Todd who made your chips? Very nice indeed.
Re: Todd who made your chips? Very nice indeed.
said 3rd party has not come through???
Re: said 3rd party has not come through???
vbg Just proves that Todd likes me more than...
Was I supposed to give the Doctor a set??
Thank you to all that have participated ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg