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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: Harvesting Hypocrasy....stealing? Why? How?
In Response To: Harvesting Hypocrasy ()

So,if I go to a roulette table and purchase $100 worth of chips to play at $1 each and I pocket 10 for my collection or trades(whatever),some members will consider this stealing. Is it stealing when you paid for the chips? The only person affected is me because I have basically paid $100 for $90 worth of chips correct?
Likewise,if I am in a poker tourney and pay $1,000 for $5,000 in chips(.50 per chip) and I take a couple for my collection,then how am I stealing them when technically I paid for them?
Just a clarification please.

Messages In This Thread

Harvesting Hypocrasy
Re: Harvesting Hypocrasy
I agree with Dick on Paypal Gift Payment
Re: I agree with Dick on Paypal Gift Payment
Re: Harvesting Hypocrasy
Re: Thanks Allen!
Re: Paypal
Please Start a new thread with this ebay....
If you are dealing with a ccgtcc member
However, for those that felt bad for paypal ...
Why wouldn't you use "Payment Owed" under Personal
Re: Why wouldn't you use "Payment Owed" under Pers
Makes perfect sense to me Allen ...!
It's All the Same..STEALING!
Paypal "gift"
Thats why I collect Illinois Illegals
Re: Harvesting Hypocrasy....stealing? Why? How?
Re: Harvesting Hypocrasy....stealing? Why? How?
I'm sure glad I never harvested a Roulette chip ~~
Re: I'm sure glad I never harvested a Roulette chi

Copyright 2022 David Spragg