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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: Anyone in Arizona need a "Duster?" vbg

Monsoon season is an interesting time of year here. Like clockwork, the high topped clouds build up in the mid afternoon and at 5 o'clock all heck breaks loose with a severe storm. Trees topple, power poles snap, and usual dry washes fill with rushing water. Monsoon season will last for about 30 days or so.
The pix are of a chain link fence that was picked up like a kite and landed on one of my cars.

Messages In This Thread

Anyone in Arizona need a "Duster?" vbg
Re: Anyone in Arizona need a "Duster?" vbg
Smitty, is that out in the boonies where you live,
Re: Smitty, is that out in the boonies where you l
Smitty, I don't understand!?...
Re: Smitty, I don't understand!?...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg