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The Chip Board Archive 21

Hey Reno Sweetie! I found the artwork image...


At the Convention we discussed the availability of a Silver Smite, Year of the Tiger, Bud Jones NCV. By coincidence, I came across this example of the inlay artwork.

This is the chip I am looking for.

If you come across one, or if any other reader here has one, I'd be interested in getting at least 1 and perhaps 2 examples of this chip.

Please keep in mind, this is just the inlay artwork. This is a Bud Jones, large inlay chip. The chip is creme with 8 aqua inserts.



Messages In This Thread

Hey Reno Sweetie! I found the artwork image...
Re: Hey Reno Sweetie! I found the artwork image...
vbg Not being greedy, just trying to help....
Here is a scan of the chip from...
Andy, thanks for posting the image!...
Re: So weird that Silver Smith...

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