This is just my opinion but I really don't see $2.00 being out of line for shipping a chip. It seems like he has a lot of interest in these chips for $10 each meaning that people believe this is a good price for them so adding on the actual shipping costs should be fine. You say that bubble mailers are only .12 each but that really depends on where you buy them and in what quantity you buy them in. For example, I just buy my mailers at Wal Mart due to not shipping very often and for me its $4.44 for 10 mailers or $0.44 each. Add that to the $1.71 that the Post Office has been charging for shipping and your already at $2.15 not counting gas or time. I'm not trying to start anything here just saying what the actual cost is for me to ship a chip. Take care and good luck selling your chips. Dan R-8220