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The Chip Board Archive 21

Turn that frown upside down...
In Response To: Depressed sad ()

Hey Derek,

This was suppose to be my first year too, but my mom is sick, and I have to take care of her. My plan is to make next year MY YEAR TO GO!!!! I want to take part of the all the fun and meet everyone too. So, you and I will make a pact that next year is the Dave & Derek year, and we will finally meet in person too. Take care my friend, and hope all your health issues work out for you. Peace.

Messages In This Thread

Depressed sad
Turn that frown upside down...
Hey Derek and Dave
Hey Charlie, thanks for your kind words.
Re: Hey Derek and Dave
Re: Depressed sad
I know how you feel
what the heck y not me 2
Missed this year too

Copyright 2022 David Spragg