I wish I had thought about this idea a month ago, but better late than never.
Everyone who is on Facebook should check in once they are at the South Point during the hours the convention floor is open. If we get at least 30 to do this then we might draw in some new people to see what our group is all about. Keep in mind that once a person checks in on Facebook that all of their friends will see that check in post, and since most people have their account set up so that friends of friends can see their posts, that means a LOT more people see the post. Those people could be here in Las Vegas staying elsewhere & will see we are having our convention at the South Point.
Worth a try & it costs us nothing. You can check in through your moblie phone if you have the Facebook app. Or through your laptop or hotel computer if you get on Facebook.
Just make sure that when you check in that you make a comment about the convention at the same time.
Andy - Las Vegas