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The Chip Board Archive 21

Have you ever had any luck....

Has anyone ever tried auctions as a way to find casino chips or other related items? I know Robert got that great ivory set a few months ago and I imagine that people in Nevada have pretty good luck but what about other areas? I go to lots of yard sales but rarely go to auctions. I like to buy my items at wholesale not retail. And here in Hillbilly Heaven most auctions are in the summer and I just can't see sitting in the heat for 4 hours to bid on one item. And around here I don't think I have ever found anything casino related at an auction. Not even a set of decent poker chips. Driving 30 minutes to go to an auction only to find that they have nothing I want seems like a big waste of time and gas. So I am just wondering if anyone else has luck with auctions. And are there any secrets? Like can you be put on an auctioneers list for interest in casino items? Do you look online at local auctions?

Messages In This Thread

Have you ever had any luck....
I have not had luck at local auctions

Copyright 2022 David Spragg