Inspired by the auction of the Thunderbird $5 Bicentennial chip yesterday and the ensuing discussion, I thought it might be fun to start an "of the day" series of posts of the stuff in my Bicentennial collection (counting down to the 4th of July, as it were). I probably have more than a month's worth of scans (especially since I over-include some things that others probably wouldn't, such as my Harvey's $2/$2.50 error below), but I'll keep going until I either run out or get too lazy to post
So, without further ado and in no particular order, here we go:
Okay okay, so this chip probably wouldn't be included in most Bicentennial collections, since it says nothing about the Bicentennial, and isn't overtly red-white-and-blue. However, since it is from the same issue as the more famous (and much more expensive) "The Casino" $1 and $5 Bicentennial chips, it's as close to them as I can get for now . I at least believe it to be one of the original ones (gold and not bronze hot-stamping; hot stamp is not aligned from one side to the other, etc.), and not a Borland reproduction.
Thanks for letting me share, and feel free to make me jealous by showcasing your Bicentennial stuff as well!
Brent J. Jensen
orbis non sufficit