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The Chip Board Archive 21

Convention packing....What a pain!

So for the last several years I have been trying to reduce the number of duplicates I have. A week or so ago I went thru them and updated my trade binders. The only allow you to carry on one bag weighing 40 pounds. I weighed my trader books today and came up with 55 pounds. GRRRRRRRR. Now what do I leave at home? I know the NCV's will be sacrificed, I have gone thru the other books and removed the most common ones and I am still over 50 pounds. I guess I have more work ahead of me. One of these years I will get down to a manageable amount of traders. Until then we will be having some great trade sessions!

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Convention packing....What a pain!
Re: Convention packing....What a pain!
And what about the transatlantic ones? grin
Yep ... those too!
Hey John - Throw the chips in the ................
Re: Hey John - Throw the chips in the ............
Re: Convention packing....What a pain!
Re: Convention packing....What a pain!
Re: Convention packing....What a pain!
Re: Convention packing....What a pain!
Re: Convention packing....What a pain!
Re: Convention packing....What a pain!
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