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The Chip Board Archive 21

grin NCR ~ Monday Humor... 1:25 AM, EDT

There are a lot of blonde jokes but not very many about blonde guys. I
couldn't decide which one to post, so here are three...

At The Football Game

A blonde guy goes to a football game and finds his place in the bleachers.
After a while, someone far behind him yells, "Hey, George."

The blonde gets up and scans the crowd behind him. Not seeing anyone he
recognizes, he sits down.

Some time later, someone yells again, "Hey, George."

The blonde gets up again and looks around. Seeing no one he that knows,
he sits down.

A third time someone yells, "Hey, George."

Finally, the blonde gets up, turns around and yells back, "Knock it off! My
name's not George."

Football Players

Andy and Steve, two blonde college football players were not doing well in
their classes. They were required to pass a final exam or they would be put
on academic probation and not be able to play.

The very last question of the fill-in-the-blank test was "Old MacDonald had
a ____________."

Andy didn't know the answer. He looked around and saw that the professor
was not looking.

He tapped Steve on the shoulder and asked, "What's the answer to the last

"That's easy," said Steve. "Everybody knows Old MacDonald had a farm."

"Thanks," said Andy. But then he asked, "How do you spell farm?"

"Wow! You really are dumb," said Steve. "You spell it E-I-E-I-O."

Fishing Buddies

Two blonde fishing buddies rented a boat early one Saturday morning and
headed out for a day on the lake. They both caught their limit and headed
home to fried fish dinners.

The next Saturday they decided to go fishing again.

"Did you mark the spot?" asked Bubba.

"Yup," said Jim Bob. "I put a big X on the bottom of the boat."

"You dummy!" said Bubba. "What if we don't get the same boat?"

Copyright 2022 David Spragg