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The Chip Board Archive 21

Extra! 2011 Club Auction update

A list of the lots and their current high bids has been posted on the club site:

All current bids have been posted - there are bids on 97 of the 200 lots so far but I'd like to see more!
Especially on all the donated lots which all started at $5. The club gets 100% of the proceeds for these ones so the more you bid the more you help the

Now I need your help grin
You will see that about 1/4 of the lots this year have been very kindly donated and they all start at $5 each.
Placing advance bids NOW serves two purposes.
1) You significantly increase your chances of winning as, in the case of equal bids being received, the earliest takes precedence.
2) The higher the opening bids on the floor are, the less I have to listen to Skruse complaining the auction will end too late

SO GET SOME BIDS IN NOW - instructions are on the page linked above, where you can also view/download the catalog. Full terms and conditions appear at the beginning of the catalog.

Color and B&W printed copies are all now sold.
Xeroxed copies will be available at the convention for $10 each.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg