The Election Committee, consisting of Bruce & Mary Ann Massey, Election Committee Co-Chairmen, and Dale & Sally Horyna, met on Friday, May 27, 2011 to validate and count the ballots received for the 2011 CCGTCC Officers and Board of Directors Election.
A total of 321 ballots were received which represents 19% of the current CCGTCC membership of 1,679. Six ballots were voided for a total ballot count of 315.
The results, with the President and Secretary being elected for a two year term (2011 – 2013), are as follows:
Office of President:
• Douglas Smith - 174
Office of Secretary:
• James Follis - 105
• Richard Pokracki - 51
• David Spragg - 159
In summary, the 2011 CCGTCC Officers and Board of Directors are:
Douglas Smith, President
Sheldon Smith, Vice President
David Spragg, Secretary
Treasurer (BOD will appoint a replacement for Douglas Smith to complete the remaining one-year of the Treasurer’s term)
Steve Bedo, Membership Officer
Eric Rosenblum, Legal Counsel
At the June 25, 2011 CCGTCC annual business meeting, we, the Election Co-Chairmen, will submit the results of the election, which will then be certified, at the meeting, by a vote of the current Officers and Board of Directors.
Respectfully submitted,
CCGTCC Election Co-Chairmen