The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 21

CONTEST Time!.........

This is the challenge...

Identify the differences between the PhotoShopped images of the same chip, in accordance with the posted rules.

The Rules:

Do NOT post your answers here! It will disqualify your entry and spoil it for others.

Do post the number of differences spotted. Again, I am not disclosing how many there are.

Do email me the itemized differences between Chip A and Chip B. For example:

1. Chip A is bigger than Chip B (it's not) or, Chip B is smaller than Chip A (still not!). Explain the difference(s) as opposed to saying the "left eyebrow". As with the previous contest, differentiate between the pirate's left and right (up or down) and the chip's left or right (up or down). Designating location based on a clock face is OK.

My Email addy is:

I reserve the right to add or modify rules, as may be required, during the course of the Contest. I will NOT be reviewing your email submissions until your posted "Numbers Found" is close to the changes I've made. But in order to win, your Number Found does NOT have to be correct, only that you make the post!

If you have a Contest question, post it, so that I can answer it (or not) for all.

Selecting the Winning Entrant:

Most correct answers. No penalty for wrong answers, unless they exceed correct answers.

Ties will be resolved in favor of the first submitted and most complete response via email.

Multiple entries are permitted, but your last entry will be the one that counts for quantity, correctness and time.

The Prize:

The winning entrant will pick one, from the selection of chips below:

This contest will run until we have a winner! Which must be by this coming Monday, 30 May, at 9:00 pm PST, or sooner!

Please try to have some fun!


Messages In This Thread

CONTEST Time!.........
11 spotted by me
All I can say is.....
mad I refuse to look this vbg
BTW - I will label later, but Chip A...
14 differences
Prize selection pool has been added!...
My Count Shows 13 Differences
20 actual differences .... Thanks Jim!
How about 21
Revising to 22
17 so far, but gotta take a break
Contest continues, but thread is closed!...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg