Ed wrote.......
"Although I can't speak for him, I believe if he could, The Chip Guide would have included everything possible."
There is no doubt in my mind that Greg would have included everything if possible. The main reason other items were not included was that Greg's main love was of course chips. Plus the fact that Greg had for the most part, a backlog of chips to be scanned at ALL times. There was never a time when he could say he was caught up & waiting for chips to scan. Let alone scanning other gaming related items.
He would tell me all the time about the stacks of chips on his desk waiting to be scanned. And of course once he got sick the stacks just grew bigger. Even though he did keep scanning & updating as much as he could.
As to...
"I also find it humorous that it takes an army to do the work of one Greg"
VERY funny, Ed! And so true.
Andy - Las Vegas