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The Chip Board Archive 21
And you know what Greg would want HOW??
In Response To:
Going to get myself in trouble....
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Going to get myself in trouble....
I would agree IF
Perfectly stated, Mr. Taylor.
It's not the space....
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: Why does it matter. Its not hurting anything
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: Why does it matter. Its not hurting anything
Re: It's not the space....
Some of the other
I agree, maybe we can get David....
Whoops, I forgot to state...
And you know what Greg would want HOW??
Re: And you know what Greg would want HOW??
Doesn't answer the would YOU know
There have been numerous...
Response From The ChipGuide Guy
Charles, thanks for the kind
There is a third option...
Re: Going to get myself in trouble....
Not too important, but...
I think Greg would have liked it
Re: I think Greg would have liked it, AND
Who does not like the ChipGuide?...
Re: Who does not like the ChipGuide?...
Guess I'm fair game
Re: I think Greg would have liked it
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