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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: Robert, with this kind of logic, we would be e

You have a good point. The "thanks" are from the selling side of the transaction.
And in most cases, I'm buying not selling.
For the chips I'm interested in, I'm hoping that the auction is overlooked and I can "steal" it for a low price.
And yes, I've had my high bids pushed up at the last moment by another bidder too.
So I know what it feels like from both perspectives!

Mostly I try to decide what I'm willing to pay, and bid that amount, rather than get into a heated competition with someone else.
If I win, fine. If not, I'll try again on another chip.

Messages In This Thread

Thank me ... the underbidder!
Storage Wars
vbg Hip Hip Hoorah, that "O" boy, C u N jUnE grin
I don't know if us bidders should thank you.
Thy New Name Is Underbidder! rofl
Robert, with this kind of logic, we would be even
Re: Robert, with this kind of logic, we would be e
Under bidders are the eBay seller's best friend!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg