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The Chip Board Archive 21

Count me in again...I take the pledge. vbg

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vbg U can take the ACE pledge right here vbg
YES #50 thanks Steve
I'm in again! Thanks Steve!
I'm in again. #55 Please.
In Again Please Fred Hempel LM 6173-173-Thanks
Geri Hempel Takes The Pledge Again-Thanks
Count me in again...I take the pledge. vbg
WE ARE IN! vbg
I'm In, #16
Re: I'm in, too!
I'm In!!
grin grin grin grin ERIC, your ACE pledge grin grin grin grin
Sure-Im In !
Yes! vbg I'm in! Thanks again Steve! vbg
This is COOL! I'm in with both feet ! grin
Count Me In - I Pledge A.C.E. grin
Re: vbg U can take the ACE pledge right here *v
Re: vbg U can take the ACE pledge right here *v

Copyright 2022 David Spragg