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The Chip Board Archive 21

Rich, your Final, Final, FINAL answers are...

rather excellent and I am pretty certain that you will be one of the top 3. grin

Having read my answers, and knowing your answers, how do you think you did with Number 1.?


Messages In This Thread

CONTEST Answers, results pending!...
Re: CONTEST Answers, results pending!...
Rich, your Final, Final, FINAL answers are...
Re: Rich, your Final, Final, FINAL answers are...
Rich, Yes! You touched all the spots that I did...
And the winners are.....
Thanks for a fund contest...
That would be FUN contest
Brian, your turn...
Aliante chip would be great. THANKS
OK, Aliente it is and the Rio...
Re: CONTEST Answers, results pending!...
Thanks! I plan to.
Thanks, And Looking Forward To It
That was a lot of fun!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg