and problem solved. I hate it when sellers say stuff like "Oh, add a dollar for the fees" when I know that the fees are less than that. Paypal might be overcharging, due to the shoddy way they handle some things. They aren't a bank, but sometimes act as if they are 1. But some try to make a profit on the fees themselves, so I'll send a gift if requested...but I DO pay the fees, because I usually use a CC.
More competitors are entering the market I.E Serve (Amex), Popmoney, Amazon, Google.
The real problem is that Ebay bought Paypal, and what's been said about squeezing every last dime is true, and they monopolize
payments as the don't let use any other payment sites that aren't on their "Approved" list, and the fact that you cant send checks etc. is against the UCC IMHO. Just like them hiding bidders Identities..."Oh we are protecting you from spam" Right! All they are doing is making it easier for shills to bid. Sorry for my vent, but just felt the need to. See you at the convention! (My 1st 1 ever).