This issue has been posed to me by several Members (privately) as a function of asking me questions in regard to my running for Club Secretary.
In general, my responses were inline with your statement and I support the fact that you have made this post! I believe that I can state that I have never responded to a post where a PayPal "gift" option was solicited.
And to elaborate on this issue, since you have brought it up, I find it particularly irksome when after the fact, a seller will say, BTW, make that PayPal payment a "gift". And for the record, in those cases, I have added the fee amount to my payment and told the seller that in the future, I will expect a 50/50 split of the fee or just a regular "goods" transaction.
Anyway, I applaud your comment here! Perhaps we could get a Board endorsement of this opinion posted on the Club's Message Board. I would hope that you are not the only
Board member that feels this way.
Jim Follis
LM 3872-53