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The Chip Board Archive 21

Convention Banquet Table - 2 seats left

I am trying to organize a banquet table for the convention. So far between Nate Pincus and I, we have arranged 8 seats. We have 2 seats left that we need to fill by tomorrow's deadline. If you are going to the convention, the banquet is a must. The cost is the same, whether you buy a single ticket or take a seat at a table. Just email me and let me know that you would like one of the seats.

P.S. If you already bought a single ticket and would like to sit at the table, that is OK. Just let me know and I can have you assigned to the table.


Messages In This Thread

Convention Banquet Table - 2 seats left
Wish it could be me sad
Re: Convention Banquet Table - 2 seats left
Thanks, I'll Let you Know ASAP
Seats are Gone, Thanks.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg