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The Chip Board Archive 21

Another No Hitter TODAY! Get your chips in...

...the mail to whoever your name is listed under. You will need to E-Mail the winner to get their snail mail address.

Andy - Las Vegas

Detroit Tigers were the winning team & Fred DeKeyser wins 19 $5 chips in NICE condition from the 19 chippers below. E-Mail him at: for his address.

Los Angeles Dodgers - Andy Hughes
Milwaukee - Ralph Myers
Texas - Paul Biggs
Kansas City - Todd Buechler
Chicago Cubs - Irwin Gross
San Francisco - Kevin Aydelott
Seattle - Steve Blust
Oakland - Marc Shapiro
Chicago Sox - Stu Lovett
Colorado - Barry Hauptman
Anaheim Angels - Allan McCurdy
Cleveland - David Spragg
Arizona - Eric Swort
San Diego - Judy Wuerth
NY Yankees - Phil Doroskio
Atlanta - Fred Bergman
St. Louis - Dan Cooley
Boston - Marc Heiman
Minnesota - Mark Rollo

Toronto Blue Jays were the losing team & Richard Jezeski wins 9 $5 chips in NICE condition from the 9 chippers below. E-Mail him at: RJJUNE@COX.NET for his address.

Pittsburgh - Jay Wriggins
NY Mets - Fred Hempel
Tampa Bay - Jim Follis
Washington - Dennis Shoop
Cincinnati - Steve Chiruck
Baltimore - Travis Lewin
Philadelphia - Tony Tricoli
Florida - Al Whiting
Houston - Tommy Leggio

Copyright 2022 David Spragg