~~~ play prior to the introduction of the euro. These (seen below) are in LIT and manufactured by BG. The monetary unit used in the casino at the time... I also have access to pictures of the plaques and jetons that were in play prior to what's seen below (also made by BG)... and those pieces read CASINO DE LA VALLEE-SAINT VINCENT; and pictures of plaques and jetons used even before those (also made by BG; all laminated plastic) -- and there is documentation of the series used even before those (also BG and laminated plastic) all with lunettes/tulle... and even before those (catalogued my Victor GADOURY)... and even those were laminated plastic w/ lunettes that read SAINT VINCENT, only -- while there's also pieces in collections that were used as far back during the early days just after WWII when the casino first established on 4 April 1946 .
Do you know when the pieces you illustrate were in play...?
Illustration is by: SITAV (Societa Incremento Touristico Alberghiero Valdostano).