your questions, this is what I know and don't know...
Book value, unknown to me.
Silver content value, at the time of the agreement, the silver alone was at about $450. One would also have to add a small amount for the 24 K HGE gold embellishments, and, silver has gone up since then.
While there were only 25 of the 24K HGE strikes made and handed out, there were more of the none 24K HGE versions released and some of those found their way to places that added the gold embellishments (afetr the fact), but I have assurances that this is one of the original 25.
Also, I sought out one of these strikes for at least 5 months and this was one of the first ones to become available and it was more of a function of the economy that it was of someone wanting to get top dollar.
Also, the agreement in-place was that I would need time (I estimated 2 months) to get the funds together, all the while the price would remain the same and it would not be sold out from under us, and if the fund raiser fails, then we are NOT locked in to the purchase.
Of course there were many more considerations given to this Project, but in the overall, having the collection a complete one, at no cost to the , is a rather satisfying aspect to me.
So Yes, the collection is complete, save this one item, but then that statement is only valid until next week when the 2010 OTY winners will be known and we will then be seeking ownership of the COTY, CKOTY and the SSOTY!
Thanks again for your donation!