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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: NCR - Have any of you seen this yet?

Honda has come out with some great ideas.
Years ago they had what I thought was one of the greatest.
In the rear of one of their cars they replaced the spare tire with a collapsable motor scooter.
I believe only 5 were imported to the U.S. but a member of my unit in the Shrine had one and rode it in many parades.
The idea was for the crowed cities one could park away from the destination, take out, push a few leavers, turn a few knobs and ride off.
Light enough that an average man could carry it.
No idea what happened to the concept but I thought it brillient.
Wishing all enough,
Dick Staeffler

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NCR - Have any of you seen this yet?
Re: NCR - Have any of you seen this yet?
Re: NCR - Have any of you seen this yet?

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